Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mamma Mia......

Mama Mia.......
Allora, let me explain a bit to all of you what the song come to me now means to me.

The first time I heard this song it enflamed my heart, a very intense and warm feeling overcame me and ohh wow it was magical. The words made sense, actually it made too much sense.

Allora I will speak only later about the making sense part I rather want to speak about the song as well as the melody first.

At first after I heard this song it was so beautiful to me that I obviousely wanted the CD, trust me I never buy CD's, The last CD I baught was Britney Spears "Hit me baby one more time" but I lost that CD somewhere I have no memory of what happened to it. Scusa, I am lying the last CD I baught was, ohh yes It was Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole's Greatest Hits.

Allora so I decided to go to the CD house to go buy Inland Sea's CD, I told the Italian boy's behind the counter the name of the CD, they then looked on their database and told me all confused that they do not have it at all, so I sighed and realised that I might have to go disturb Giacomo's spirit for the CD, so off I went "tap tap tap" with my litte short legs I was heading straight towards Ronchi78 again.
As I arrived at Ronchi78, I asked Giacomo "Giacomo where is Inland Sea's CD?", he looked at me all confused because obviously he was under the impression that he gave my "German boyfriend" their CD (if you follow the blog called @ Ronchi78 you will know about my German friend), ahhhh see NEVER MAKE ASSUMPTIONS, 89% of the time assumptions are wrong mamma mia when will people learn rather not to assume things, simply just ask, ai jai jai, sigh.

Allora, so now he finally realised that my German friend was not a boyfriend, not even a lover, if he had been a lover I would have already heard the music of Inland Sea by then and would have annoyed him for my own CD already.
So, Giacomo then told me that the CD's were in his office and that I must get it the next day. Every day I went back for my CD and every day he said "tomorrow tomorrow", untill the one "tomorrow" I arrived at Ronchi78 and finally he gave me the CD in my hand. Ahhhh it was wonderful I was happy.

Afterwards I went back to my hotel room and listened to this CD, Mama Mia, I layed on my bed with my eyes closed and allowed this music to feed my soul with the lyrics as well as the melody.
Wow, every single muscle in my body went numb from relaxation and as I allowed the lyrics to play in my ears a beam of light filled my core being, listening to the song "come to me now" made my body move in slow sircular movements and it felt like a light whirlwind inside of me blowing my spirit from side to side. Ohhh wow it was incredibile.
The climax of the song "come to me now" oh dear, the way Paolo reaches the notes where he sings "Come tell your secrets, whispers and moans.....", ohh dear that part just blew my mind away if I had to make slow and passionate love to the song "Come to me now" it would be a very deep intense multiple pleasure, insanely amazing love making session. WoW!!!!!!!!

Uff this is the reason I have not spoken much about the song "Come to me now" it makes me feel funny things, I am so sorry, if this writing disturbs you then please do not read, I can only be honest.

Mama Mia, I am starting to get a little bit tired now, I want to read a little bit, I will write again soon.....

Tanti baci