Monday, December 13, 2010

Paolo Spada

Allora, I have not met Inland Sea the band personaly but I did have an online facebook conversation with Paolo Spada, the lead singer of Inland Sea. He is wonderful.
Obviously he is busy with healing hearts and all, he is also a good family man and his time is limited, we will forgive him for hiding away all the time.

Now as I am sitting here having an apperitivo, I am wondering: "hmmmmm......... Where are the other band members?" Obviousely It is of great importance that I meet them all, hehehe.

Allorra I will write more about Inland Sea as soon as I get a litte bit more personal character information about the band.
Is this not wonderful?

Allora I will write again soon....

Tanti Baci e Amore Sempre